Retina I type 010

from 1945 to 1949

production 011/013/015: 413,708

The first Retina I produced after the war and very similar to the prewar 148, it was available with both coated and uncoated lenses (coated lenses have the red triangle stamped on the front).

All prewar Retinas had uncoated lenses.


Retina I type 013

from 1949  to 1950

production: see type 010

From here on the Retinas lost the little foot on the door that enabled it to stand on its side.

They also had a larger top housing.

This model was also available with coated or uncoated lenses.


Retina I type 015

from 1951 to 1954

production: see type 010

The second Retina to have film advance lever (the first one was the type 122 from 1936)

This one has the f2.8 lens, it was available with a more common f3.5 lens.


Retina I type 018

from 1954 to 1957

production: 160,893

This camera used a new style of camera body that would continue to evolve untill 1957

Film advance lever moved to the bottom of camera where it would stay until the last Retina Reflex of 1966


Retina I type 019-I

from 1957 to 1958

 production 019 I/II: aprox. 76,000

Light meter introduced to the Retina I


Retina I type 019-II

from 1958 to 1960

production: see above

This model received the new bright line viewfinder

The last ever folding Retina I

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