Welcome to my folding Kodak Retina collection.

Use the tabs on top of page to navigate through the different models

Here I will try to list, show and discuss all that is RETINA, plus diplay all the cameras and original accessories that are in my collection.

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"I never intended to collect Kodak Retinas".
It started in 1995 with a IIIc,
then a IIc with lenses; a hood here; a filter there.
It slowly took over my home and sanity.

Collecting Retinas is very easy, there are lots of cameras easily available at very reasonable prices; and enough accessories to keep you hunting for years. You could even add the later ridgid body and reflex Retinas.

Most of the cameras in my collection were bought at markets or garage sales here in Australia. It is only the harder to find accessories and cameras that I've bought on Ebay from the USA or Germany.

It took me 15 years to get the collection so complete, without going crazy with spending.




Some of the rarest items in my collection were found by chance and I paid very little for them, like the two ground glass adapters that I picked up for $15 on Ebay listed as Kodak lenses . Others, I paid too much for in the heat of the moment, it is not a mistake I make very often anymore unless it's an item I don't have and is very hard to find.  

If this is what you want to collect, my tip to you is to research what you want to find, keep an eye on Ebay for the item you want over a period of time to get an accurate idea of what they are actually worth, as opposed to what people want for them (sometimes a big difference). Once you decide on the most you are willing to pay for such item, stick to your budget, if you miss out, you will get another chance sooner or later.




Cameras in superb or as new condition are worth a lot more than cameras in fair condition, cameras in poor condition are worth a lot less than cameras in fair condition and in my opinion, are only good for parts.
A non working camera is also worth a lot less then a working one.

"Great condition for it's age" tells you nothing; it is either in great condition, or it's not.

Always buy the best camera you can afford as they make a better investment.

You will always find what you want if you have plenty of patience.

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