The Kodak Brownie

In 1900 Kodak produced what would be one of the longest running camera models

A camera for the masses



Pocket Kodak From 1895

They had large pockets back then


Premoette Junior from 1911


Kodak Suprema

Also known as Gullivers Retina

This camera was built at the same German factory as the Retina

Only 1800 of these were ever produced


 Folding Pocket Kodaks

from 1899 and 1905


Kodak Bantam Special

By William Teague

This masterpiece of art-deco design was made in 1936


Kodak medalist

A 1941 camera for the professional

It was big, heavy and very expensive


Kodak No4 Bullseye Special from 1896


Kodak Ranca 1932

A tiny camera from the same factory as the Retina line

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